Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Lion, the Ass and the Fox Hunting

The Lion, the Donkey and the Fox formed a party to go out hunting. They took a large booty, and when the sport was ended, bethought themselves of having a hearty meal.

The Lion bade the Donkey allot the spoil. So, dividing it into three equal parts, the Donkey begged his friends to make their choice; at which the Lion, in great indignation, fell upon the Donkey and tore him to pieces.

He then bade the Fox make a division; who, gathering the whole into one great heap, reserved but the smallest mite for himself.

"Ah! friend," says the Lion, "who taught you to make so equitable a division?" "I wanted no other lesson," replied the Fox, "than the Donkey's fate."

Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.
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